Sunday, March 22, 2009

my ca1 results......

Boo boo boo!! my chinese is bad, not as bad as my english, maths and science. I must try better to achieve higher marks than before by paying attention in class, do not make any careless mistakes and do more revision.......

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The 2009 sports day!!!!

It was last Friday.It was not very boring as I was not running.The fun part that was we got to hit the ball! Mr Derick tan was hit by the ball and fell!!Poor thing! Anyway, I hope that the school can improve by letting the spectators participate in other activities as they might get a little bord. For me, I kept myself occupied by playing coins. At least they supplied us with food or I will be hungry for brains!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


For me, reading is one way to improve on your english. There are many stories out there like non-fiction and fiction stories.Every day, I read "Enid Blyton"'s story. I feel that the stories in each book are very interesting and fun to read. I feel that reading is good for people who are lack of vocubulary. Reading is fun and it keeps you occupied.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Activities outside school

Every weekend, I play tennis with my father and brother. I play for about 1 to 2 hours.It is a form of excercise.I find it very fun as I ran around, hitting the ball.

After that, my father drives me to tution centre.

Every Sunday, I go to the libary after a game of tennis.

Monday, February 9, 2009

What problems are the earth facing?


Pollution occurs when people dump rubbish into rivers, lakes, beaches, ponds, etc. This is water pollution. Pollution causes water to be dirty and unclean. It harms living organisim living in it. If there is an oil spill, when you walk on the beach, you will see black oil stains on the sand.


Weather climate is a sudden change in the weather. Weather is the mix of events that happen each day in our atmosphere including changes in temperature, rainfall and humidity. Weather is not the same everywhere. Perhaps it is hot, dry and sunny today where you live, but in other parts of the world it is cloudy, raining or even snowing.


There are many coral reefs disappearing very fast. Due to coral bleaching, there is a problem. This means that soft corals simply vanish in response to environmental stresses. If bleaching continues to intensify,the entire soft coral species may go extinct before they are even discovered.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Target seting

The purpose of setting targets is to aim what marks we want for various subjects.It is our goal and what we want to archive.

I think it is useful for students as they will work towards the marks by (e.g.:try not to make careless mistakes, do more revision, pay attention during lessons, etc)

We must set the targets that MUST BE ACHIEVABLE.For example, if you set your target to 100 marks, YOU BETTER WORK TOWARDS YOUR GOAL.

My parents are helping me to achieve by giving me revision.(REMEMBER: practice makes perfect...)I must put in my heart in whatever I are doing.

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Chinese New Year

Weeks before Chinese New Year, we did spring cleaning. A few days before Chinese New Year, for four consecutive days, my brother and I helped my mother to make New Year cookies. We started with chocolate chips cookies followed by cashew nut cookies and semprit biscuit.

My mother bought two pineapples to be placed in the house to symbolise good luck. We had three boxes of mandarin oranges to give friends during new year as a way of wishing them good luck.

My father planted four red radish in pots. This symbolises the abundance of luck .

First day of Chinese New Year, after our lunch of Longevity Noodles, we prayed at a temple Waterloo Street. The temple was very crowded.

The days were spent eating the cookies that I baked and watching movies at home and having lots of fun.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Total defence day

Yearly,on 15 February, Total Defence day falls on Singapore. It is the day when the Japanese invade Singapore in 1942. Singapore commemorate Total Defence Day to remember that everybody can play a part to defend Singapore.

I would like to defend my family, my home, my neighbourhood and my country from harm and wish everybody to live in a peaceful country. I must show respect and care towards my family members and the society and always be ready for emergency.
In times of threat or crisis, apart from defending and protecting our love ones, we should also protect and defend our cherished and closed bonds with each other.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The school's Mission And Vision

Hi everybody,

I would like to talk about the school mission and vision.

Our misson:Providing quality education to equip pupils with the values, knowledge and skills for the 21st century.

Our vision:A School of Distinction Nurturing Future-Ready Citizens of Character.

S elf-dicipline
P assion
I ntergrity
C ourage
E xellence
S incerity

I think everybody should adhere to the school values. We should display good manners to teachers and friends. We should behave well and listen attentively during lessons.

I believe in the school values as everybody needs all the values in order to become
a future-ready pupil.

Students should always remember the school values when engaged in any activities both in and outside school. We should behave ourselves even we are outside our school compound by not playing at the bus stop, running and making noise in the void deck and misbehaving during excursions.

I can live up to the school values by paying attention in class, be a sincere and helpful person and always show respect to people who are older than me, especially the elderly.

To help us learn this values, the teacher can tell us more about famous people who possess these values so that we can follow their way of living as role models through stories telling, slides, videos, dramas put up by students, exhibitions and visits to National Library to look for and borrow books on these famous people.

Monday, January 5, 2009

My Target for my 2009 SA1

This year I am in primary four. These are my expectations on my coming SA1 results :-

My last year SA2 English marks was poor. I wish to improve my English greatly.

I wish to improve my Maths and Chinese as well.

I wish to more gain more knowledge in Science.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

My December Holidays

During my December holidays, I went to Bintan Island, Indonesia. I travelled there by ferry. The ferry journey was short and fun . The waves was not rough and choppy. when I arrived, it was only 9:15 a.m. I did not eat anything since waking up. When I reached my hotel, I was amazed by the scenery and the marvellous pool overlooking the sea.

In the evening, when it was low tide, we went to the rock pools to explore and look for living organisms. We were facinated with all the living things we saw. We spotted two pairs of fishes swimming vertically, many tiny fishes, a butterfly fish, a large prawn which was camouflaged in between the seaweed, a blue crab and even a baby octopus!!

The next day, after my sumptuous breakfast, I swam in the pool. There was a jacuzzi,a pool bar and a perfect spot to play water polo. I enjoyed the jacuzzi and went to the beach. I dug a hole as deep as my hip level while my brother built a pyramid.
For the next two days, the weather was bad.It was raining and the wind was blowing strongly. We played in the pool instead of the beach in case we caught a cold.
When I returned home, I felt very relax and a deep sense of satisfaction. I really enjoyed myself a great deal at Bintan. I wish I could go there again. However, I wish the means of transport to the island would be a better one.